Monday, August 22, 2016


Mereka kata prinsip yang aku pegang tiada makna
Kerana aku tak memakai iman atas kepala
Siapa sangka
Manusia biasa boleh menilai seperti Yang maha Esa

Bukan apa
Aku menganggap seperti aku memakai iman atas kepala
Seperti mahkota
Status agama
Mana boleh aniaya
Aku taknak mencerminkan agama
Dengan perangai aku yang cela
Percakapan aku yang durjana


Menuding jari ke dosa dosa kasar
Bertekak macam di pasar
"Tuhan aku lagi bagus dari tuhan kau"
Perangai jijik  tak terlangkau

Dari mana datangnya agama dengan egois
Baik aku kawan dengan atheist
Rasa diri tu bagus tak habis habis

Mungkin aku berdosa
Aku minta maaf, Yang Esa
Harap Kau jangan putus asa
Maafkan aku walau aku berkali kali berdosa
And when they leave
You turn a new leaf
For an emotional uplift
And your money, you thrift
To live

When will this feeling gonna go
When it makes you so low
When your guts down below
Ended up these feelings you sow
To see a little glow

See, sadness is not for worshipping
Life will always be tripping or falling
But it's time we'll be soaring
And maybe smiling

Apa akukah yang khilaf?
Apa akukah yang naif?
Ataupun dosa itu subjektif?
Mungkinkah kita yang terlalu primitif?

Mencari ciri ciri tuhan di setiap orang
Agar jalan lurus tidak songsang
Tetapi rupanya iman pecah tembelang
Akhirnya masa yang dibuang
Ah, sayang!

Ilmu disuap
Status digilap
Kita asyik menghinggap
Sampai gelap

Friday, June 10, 2016

I've sinned and I'm continously sinning. I've pulled the curtains, i ate the forbidden fruit. I may not care what people think, but i'm sorry mama in heaven, i'm sorry God, please don't stop forgiving me if i ever sinned or will be sinning.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

I'm in a pitch of darkness. Getting myself deep into the black hole. Into the most unorthodox and indecent desires thats just consumed me like leech. It's very awkward that God gave me this indiscreet nature but forbade it. I wanna seek salvation again , hard times makes me do rather unconstituitional thing to do.
I refused to be a damsel in distress but how do I be a heroin for my ownself, how do i venture this frustration. This contentious and hypocritical dual identity crisis, and I'm 20 I thought I'm too old already for this. I'm constantly tired and underprepared, can't have authority or jurisdiction over myself again since lately I'm so alien, I don't understand what i want

Friday, March 27, 2015

Law degree is---------------hard. Like a fucking brick, it makes your self esteem hurt and injured your self-confidene, and then you started thinking your level of intellectuality doesnt fit in the decision-making subjects  indecisive Judges judgement and puzzling law principles, endless disputes between human and etc etc etc.
But I'm just gonna try yknow, I'm just gonna stretch my ability, how far I can go, before changing directions and regret.