Tanjoubi Omedeto L-kun!!!!
Ahh~~.It's been a while,nee,L kun?Whatever it is.Happy birthday!!
sorry i couldnt buy cake or presents.Gomen~!!
And yeah,happy halloween.But i couldnt celebrate it,after all.Due to Malaysia's condition.They dont do cosplaying or trick or treat.Must be Sunako celebrate it.Haha.
[sorry talking nonsense,it's all about anime]
Today's condition.
Today is PJK'S exam.I dont read anything.So,i was just tick tick.I dont interested in sports,though.Ocassion for 1j jamuan kelas is on 19 November and they say it will held at OU or
Mukhzani's house,but i hope it will be held at Mukhzani's house because if they make at Ou,mama wouldnt allowed me because on 19 there is 6k's thingy.I planned with aida to go out with her at times square,but i couldnt.Due to this situation.And with my anime stuff that i wish to buy.Oh no!As if mama want to give me money,pergghh jangan harap.Ahh`~.It will be great if i was a rich kid.Arrghhh!!!
I got my result for bm 1 and agama.Bm i've got 28/40,and the highest is 32,aini got 30 and aidil got 26 but i didnt get the real result because it's not added with penulisan and i didnt sure if it was a correct answer.Agama ,i get 75!Sayaku!I've got B!!why?!!I suppose to get A at this rate!!Arghh!!Damn the ministry of education!!aini get 77,though and aidil get 74.Why aini is always get higher than me,after all she says she didnt study.She have luck.i didnt.It was so little that get A.Less than 10 ,i think.And my class get one 1 failed that was Aiman.Poor him.And when before that,there was like solat jemaah.I couldnt because of my period.And i talk2 with my 1j's friend.Amira ask me that i wear tudung or not when the jamuan kelas,i said i'm not wearing.But i'm not sure.And she was like relieved because i didnt wear one.I dont understand with her.Are she trying to say that we just like a group of gedik?!I dont like it she labelled me that way.Because I dont have intention like that.Not a little.And sometimes she annoyed me,sometimes she's not.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.