Konnchiwa.Today was normal.I sleep at 7 and wake up at 4.Yeah as usual,i do the same thing everyday.I watched bleach and its awesome like been said by people[especially boys].Dalilah came back today,i miss her so much.Right now,i'm watching yui's video.Nothing to do.Maybe later i will go watch some anime dvd that i havent watch yet.The video "Wrong number-TVXQ" is awesome.Yeay aida!i love yunho!He is always macho.And guess what,Jun matsumoto has a new hairstyle.Kakkoi desu ne!>>>>>>>
Cool huh?Yup.He looks thinner.I mean he always so thin but he looks soooo oh my god.I'm getting excited for some reason.KYAAH!
Aishiteru my kareshi !^^
Anyway,i didnt know that Fatin[my friend that lived in japan] likes arashi.Yeay!.Finally i've got a friend that can talk about japanese.And she knows yui too,of course she know jpop,cuz she use lived in jpan,ryte.And akma says YUI is good at singing.And she likes life song.I didnt expect that.Owh well,finally my friend knows the coolness of jpop.^^
Ili says that the reunion will be held at Sunday[23/11] at KFC Sunway Pyrramid.Ahh~.I'm broke.Luckly,its free cuz we used money class.I've got just 35 ringgit in my purse.Mattaku!=_=
Last but not least,Video of the day.
Jeng,jeng,jeng[What a lame sound effect -.-]
p/s;cool huh?this is actually a commercial for some kind of show,i think.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.