Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Separated in a junction
Goodbye words only sentenced
Even if i pictured yesterday
I'll never able to go back those days
I know,i can't just long for something

Even if my day isnt like the day i used to picture once
I just can follow the boat of life
That bring me to my fate
And sigh through the window

The guitar that created rhythm
It soothing my mind
Even if i'm carried a problem even i cant hold them

How is it like to be different from me?


When my mind just drown in fantasy
And thus,i just throw a sigh
What am i achieved for?
My fearness grab me
Coward to approach tomorrow
I've got to be strong,i've got to be strong
That's the only word that wispering in my mind
Tomorrow never knows

[p/s]I havent write poem for a while,it may sound cheesy.Gomenasai.

Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.