So today was hurmm like usual.I went to ERT club activity,we cooked.Nisyalini cooked great,and she's nice for an indian girl of course.Laila was actually nice to me and Alissa is just too polite to me, i kinda felt guilty fo some times.Well,my classmate are okay but if some of them pissed me off.I said what i want to say straight away.No hesitation.
Abah came home just like yesterday ,and of course will be going back again to Melaka.Mama planned to move to Melaka.Aww,i dont want.I mean i'm a hard- to- get- a- friend type of person.And i dont want to leave my friends.Especially Aida,she will be sad if i'm going.But it's not confirm yet.I maybe go or maybe dont.Idk.A few days ago,i said hi to Shen Huan,i thought i really achieved but not -.-.That was the time when i follow Laila and Alissa to pray and we met at the stairs and he happen to know Laila .I dont know what's wrong with me and i said hi too loud and i run.I'm so so so dumb.I'm really no good at love,i guess.I remember when first i like someone and i have to 1 or 2 years to forget him.And he happens to like me for some reason.But at that time,i was ultra-shock with this kinda thing and i really was confused.So,it turns zero without any of my effort.Haaa~~.Life is tough.

I've become a new fan of Yuna.Well,she's create a heavenly rhythm of music.And she's actually wearing tudung.At least,she is brave to be herself.And she has some kind of aura to make me her fan.Her father is a musician,no wonder she has a talent fron her genes.This is my first time,making some of malay artist my idol,so yeah.These kind of artist needed more in industry music of malaysia. Not like that Mawi shit that makes shits auras .
Oh and yeah;talk about my life,i dont know lately.I've been layan-ing my feelings a lot.I mean,i was wondered what i'm gonna be in future.Who the guy i married for.Some kind of like that.And death as well ,without family;friends that support me.It's rather sad.And i've been crying for that.To think that i've been doing wrong things that maybe god will punish me.Who knows?Is this the cycle of life?What if the world will end soon,i dont get to feel being in a relationship.And my passionate for music grow stronger day by day,and to know that i will not achieve them.This is too sad,too sad.What's wrong with me??!!I've been so emo lately.Please save me from my cracked mind.
And oh yeah ,
Happy Birthday U-know !!!
I'm glad that i'm one of your fans,even i'm not so so big fan of yours.But yeah,may your dreams come true <3.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.