I phoned a human,a creature who the voice i can remember well,a scent i can remember well,a face i can remember well named Aida in a cracked voice.Letting my tears streamed on my cheek,vomited my packed emotions.
I told today's story to her.I've had enough with my classmate and teachers that pointing finger at me,that gave a weird stare at me,that whisper something to their peer while looking at me.I'm not blind,i can see very well in those eyes full of hatred to me,a fake expression on their face when they talked to me.
I'm trying to fight all the melancholy i went through everyday,every second.Just accepting God's test over me.I keep reminded myself in my crowded,full mind that i'm not the only one holding this kind of life,there's even more worst than this.
I do have friends just couple or triple,friends?i dnt know why i'm doubting that word towards them,.I keep minding my word,i keep secreting my true self just not to get hate anymore because i just have them to talked to in class.I'm not myself anymore,i'm not the loud and laughing-hard type of girl anymore.My life turned into obstacle.