It's 8 am in this small terrace house in the middle of a massive town.Ackwardly,there's no some kind of army jogging or the sound of wind around like when my other house used to.It expresses how much difference it seems.And i realized i miss the situation now,the situation where my late granny would wake me up for Subuh prayers.And one day,her voice just vanished like dust been whooshed by a wind.It stung my heart away remembering that.
May Allah bless her soul.
Move on to the bright side.I dont want to shred tears.
I've been thinking on what i should do this holiday,im not gonna pouring all those precious time that comes once a year should i?so yeah i will try asking my mom for class guitar,i know i can play already but i need to expand my skill.I havent even know how to play solo proper way,and i admit that i can't read tabs and notes.I only used chord and tutorial in youtube up until now.
And i will cover a song Happy Birthday To you you for Aida,im hope with full enthusiasm that she will like it.And im trying hard on the solo too,though im not actually good at it,my brother only good at it .I'm so envying him.
Aida have been to Melaka and im the opposite.Huuuh,ive been missing her presence like almost months.Thought of going out with my friends,but they all seems busy.
I want my long hair back.