I was perhaps thinking that it was rather perpentually ,infinity waiting for this nearly 2 blasphemy pages speech to end. Literally , I admired the theme , but the overflowing of guts that it needs was swallowing me down .
It was bad enough when I was selected for the first girl ever to be given speech . There was no face I knew , no lights of familiarity that would perhaps calm my nervousness down.
You had to speak with enthusiasm, show the world you are capable , you are worth it was all my inner-self whispered to me. The inner-self helped me , at least it did .
I climbed the stage , carefully watched my steps , as I knew clumsiness is a part of me .
At first , the mic was not working , second try ;none , third try; my voice audibled.
I read the speech like the news-anchors without any gestures whatsortever . I was indeed blinded by my own fear .
The text flew from the podium , I took it greedily .Embarassed flushed. Thank god it didnt flew far. I continued , made some pronounciation mistakes and the list goes on and ended up with "thankgodit'sfinish"-Thank-you.
Abah did not quite happy I did not win . He was afterall the one who wrote the speech , putting some fierce-military-words , and teached me how to speak like a roaring waves . sigh / when is my turn to make them proud for something on me?
When sometimes I want to voice out my thoughts ,deliver messages through out the people ; my voice is somehow inaudible . Writings is my only weapon nonetheless , that's why speaking was never my thing.
I've tried my best , it was an experience nonetheless :)