22/11;Reunion 6k is held at Sunway Pyramid so i went with Dalilah and tumpang Azmina and Hus.Eunice and Ili also tumpang them.Arrived at the place and go to TGV to confirm ticket and thus went to KFC to meet people.At first i was like dont know what to do and talk because i'mnot so close with them especially with the 6M.So,i saw Aizat and asked about Aida because she didnt arrive yet since Aida said that he will tumpang her.And suddenly he glare sharply at me.He is weird -.-'.So after a minute Aida came with Nik.I miss her damn so much!.And then we stroll along because the movie the movie is at 1.30.I go to Music shop to but strings and go to animetech to buy mokona keychain.The movie?I can say it's so hell boring.I leave the place at 8.30.My money have finish because i buy many sort of thing.And 'someone' who used to be my friend is so damn annoying,she thinks she's so good enough.I didnt like her.
Another event is when Kaktin graduate at UITM Shah Alam.I went there because mama asked me to go to.It was so hot.I regret coming that place.At first i can enter the hall,but then when i return back from toilet i was blocked by the guard.Stupid guard!I have to wait at outside and
unluckly i dont bring my handphone along.Luckly,mama went searching for me because i did not return .
At the night,i went to Por Dickson.I sta there for a night because Abah have duty and he got an extra room.But i didnt go nowhere because have to rush to Wafi's place.And my family went to take a family picture which i may look horrible and fat.
Dalilah SMS me.She told me that she have a problem.I hope she's ok.I understand with her family problem.She can always tells her problem to me.
AndIzzat call me,asked me and Aida to go out to watch Twilight.But we didnt have money so it was cancelled.But then,Kaktin asked me to go watch the movie with me and with her boyfriend.But for soe reason i felt like i was so menyibuk.But who cares,i want to watch that story so bad.Perhaps i should asked aida along?Hmmm.
Yat got his Xbox,it was so unfair that he used my parents money.So my father asked what i want.I said i want a guitar electric so he said i will get one.But the amount of weight and the amp price is high.It was not worth it because without an amp i cant play it.So mama said instead of that its better to go to a class guitar.I didnt know wht to pick.
Wafi are going to Prom Night Smk Sri Permata.My neighbour who in the same school as mine asked him to go to.Do anything he want.I dont care,cause i'm so not into that kind of thing.
I've got obsess with Guitar Hero,lately.And also i started to interested with Younha ; a Korean and Japanese arttist.And also I've got obsess to anime Bleach.I saw the anime at Remaja @ tv3 and they talk about anime,cosplay and other things that i might like but i didnt get to watch the whole program.Mattaakuu~~ -.-.I didnt expect for malaysian to concern about anime.Usually when they hear anime they will say "enemy?".Teemee!

Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.