I stay late watching 14 Sai No Haha.The story tells about a 14 year old girl who's pregnant and decide to born the child.When i watch the story i was like whooo.14 years old?!she's around my age.The actor is Shida Mirai who's acted at Seigi No Mikata.When she acted the 14 sai no haha drama she's 13 only.But she can acted many various of feeling.Impressive.She's so young,this year she's only 15 but she has acte many drama.Haruma Miura also acted at the drama.Kakkoii!!Seriusly,he looks innocent at that drama.But at the Koizora film,he is more handsome~~.Aida agreed with me cuz he looks a bit of Kim Jaejeoong.Haha.He also acted at Bloody Monday which i started to like.

Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.