i woke up facing my anime posters on the wall next to my bed and knowingly it's already 5pm."oh my gosh",that's what i first said.I would be dead because i left zohor.My head spinning and my body felt heavy,i deserve it for staying out late.I quickly go to the bathroom with my hair bed.And there was a mirror and i saw my eyebags getting bigger.I deserve this,i said it again and again.And thus,i sigh.
In the night,i argued with my brother.He always assumed me and mama always by his side.And i thought that was unfair.Why do i have to respect him,i thought.He started the arguiment though.Thisis unfair.Yeah,i admit i was a bit egoish.My mom has her 'anak emas' which is wafi.And abah got his too which is yat.And me?I'm independent including my sister.So like i dont hell care.What that supposed to be my business?
And anyway,there was this guy adding me.I approved him,after all.I dont even know him though.And he greet me saying that he attract by my interest.So i was like ..ok.He says she likes poems.And he suddenly put me in his top friends though he has tons of frien list.Weird,isnt it.I don't mind if he wants to know me.
I'm currently waiting for my hana yori dango to stream.Duuhhh~it troubles me a lot.
And i'm reading special A.
And one word.I think one of my friends has mentioned about which i forget who.But,i really didnt like a person who is photographer-wannabe's.and yes,i didnt like the people in myspace who seek attentioncy by editing their picture to look sexy,cute,handsome or whatever but in the fact they are not.So i advise you all that dont get too 'perasan' .I really fuckin hate that.And i think i should delete my acc cuz too meluat from seeing a myspac users has a big amount of them has become like that and me;i dont like to labelled the same as them.So shut the hell up :D.
Bye bye.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.