I'm glad that i'm started to get up early :D . I rarely to get up early so i'm pretty happy about it.Dalilah called me yesterday,and we had a long talked.I hope her mother wouldnt mind to use so much credit.I miss her so much!And i'm glad that she came tmorrow.Talk about tomorrow's event,i had to manage the reservation,so i called several restaurant and in the end we dont get any reservation so i came up an idea that is to book movie ticket.Since the book entry requires maximum 6 only,so azmina ask to get help for some people.So,yeah.I hope it worked.
Yesterday,i go to tabung haji to send my makcik to go umrah.And when we go back,there's several people fighting.I dont care.My mom and I quickly go to our car.Abah is so talkative about the indian gangsterism because his car has been clamp with an unlogical reasons.Stupid indian and malay.Chinese didnt cause any problm,why are they so noisy?Stupid races.
I've got nothing to do.Maybe i will get some money from abah or mama for tomorrow.At least 20 ringgit will be enough.Actually i want more.But they wouldnt give me for sure.And i'm not interested at shopping clothe.Cause i dont know,the clothe at Sunway Pyramid are just too fashionable for me to wear.And i'm not suitable to wear those kind of clothe.Maybe i will go to Animetech and buy some keychain that Dalilah told me.
My weight are increasing day per day.My weight now is 48/49 and when i asked my friend their weight only like upper that me.So,the observaion is i'm fat.That's the fact.I'm fat and ugly.And i wish i can get a straight hair with a bang just like Nami Tamaki or YUI.Gyaaahhh!!!
I hate my appearance.And i dont even have clothe to wear.My clothe are all too small for me.And i dont like to wear a fit one.I want to borrow kaktin's but my size and her size are same and her clothe is just to fit.I wish i can steal somebosy else body that are thinner than me.=.=.
That's all for now.Sorry for my 'unperfect life' confession.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Going out with classmate.
What a day.I only sleep 1 hour because i cant sleep.I goofing around and watch "Sepet" movie until 9 am ,and i sleep for a while.I get up from sleep at 10.30 and get ready because i tumpang aidil.Luckly,her sister dont seem to mind that i always tumpang aidil.So,ok.Besides,her sister is nice and so her mother.And we wait for awhile because aidil's family seems want to go somewhere.And we picked up my classmate at Bintang supermarket.And then we go lah.We arrive like past 12.30 and then we stroll around and we only window shopping cuz the clothe at there is pretty expensive,i think.Like aida said 'touch2 and go'.Haha.We stroll around until past 2.And we waited at cinema because 15 minutes we will watch The Coffin.While we wait at there,there's many chinese guy yang hot gila nak mampus.I recommend aidil like 'dia tu hot gila kan?',Aidil agree with me.And so with Laila.The first one is the guy with her girlfriend with the gray shirt,poor us.But,he are so handsome!!And the second is mine with the shorts and grey shirt also,he looks like Kanata Hongo,seriously!And the third is Laila's with the blue shirt,i dont know if he is malay or not.Be cause he looks like chinese at the same time he looks like malay.So,i just give to Laila lah.Haha.
And then i go to MPH to buy some manga,i buy romantis bas whatever the name is[1 and 2],and Wasabi reset.I wanted so bad to buy the 31 ringgit manga that has imported from japan.But,i'm lack of money.I'm not a rich kid to buy a imported manga.Gyyaaahhh!!!.
We finish the movie at 4 something.I'm really mad at the people at the back of my seat,they always make noise and kick my sit.What the fuck?!The story so far is ok,but not so scary for me.But,i dnt know why i always shout with aidil.Haha.The ghost is not so scary,just the kind of story is like the situation is so slow and nothing scared happen,and suddenly something came up.It's that why i hate about scary movie.The boys like Meor and the others are there also.But Mukhzani didnt came,i dont know why. Akma's boyfriend are here also.
So there it is.So long eh?Gomenasai.Somthing yang make me sick are happening today.I just dont want to write at the blog,because it can cause figting for some people.Maybe today,i will call azmina to discuss about reunion.My money left only 20.How am i supposed to do?
Gyaahh!I hate you money,but at the same time i love you!!!!
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
And then i go to MPH to buy some manga,i buy romantis bas whatever the name is[1 and 2],and Wasabi reset.I wanted so bad to buy the 31 ringgit manga that has imported from japan.But,i'm lack of money.I'm not a rich kid to buy a imported manga.Gyyaaahhh!!!.
We finish the movie at 4 something.I'm really mad at the people at the back of my seat,they always make noise and kick my sit.What the fuck?!The story so far is ok,but not so scary for me.But,i dnt know why i always shout with aidil.Haha.The ghost is not so scary,just the kind of story is like the situation is so slow and nothing scared happen,and suddenly something came up.It's that why i hate about scary movie.The boys like Meor and the others are there also.But Mukhzani didnt came,i dont know why. Akma's boyfriend are here also.
So there it is.So long eh?Gomenasai.Somthing yang make me sick are happening today.I just dont want to write at the blog,because it can cause figting for some people.Maybe today,i will call azmina to discuss about reunion.My money left only 20.How am i supposed to do?
Gyaahh!I hate you money,but at the same time i love you!!!!
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Separated in a junction
Goodbye words only sentenced
Even if i pictured yesterday
I'll never able to go back those days
I know,i can't just long for something
Even if my day isnt like the day i used to picture once
I just can follow the boat of life
That bring me to my fate
And sigh through the window
The guitar that created rhythm
It soothing my mind
Even if i'm carried a problem even i cant hold them
How is it like to be different from me?
When my mind just drown in fantasy
And thus,i just throw a sigh
What am i achieved for?
My fearness grab me
Coward to approach tomorrow
I've got to be strong,i've got to be strong
That's the only word that wispering in my mind
Tomorrow never knows
[p/s]I havent write poem for a while,it may sound cheesy.Gomenasai.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Goodbye words only sentenced
Even if i pictured yesterday
I'll never able to go back those days
I know,i can't just long for something
Even if my day isnt like the day i used to picture once
I just can follow the boat of life
That bring me to my fate
And sigh through the window
The guitar that created rhythm
It soothing my mind
Even if i'm carried a problem even i cant hold them
How is it like to be different from me?
When my mind just drown in fantasy
And thus,i just throw a sigh
What am i achieved for?
My fearness grab me
Coward to approach tomorrow
I've got to be strong,i've got to be strong
That's the only word that wispering in my mind
Tomorrow never knows
[p/s]I havent write poem for a while,it may sound cheesy.Gomenasai.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Everything is not free nowadays.

Mata ashita.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
*No idea of the title;gomen*=.=
Hi again.Ok,i wouldnt tell what i'm going today cause i've always do that.So its kinda boring.
So today i woke up,i realize that my parents were kinda busy calling other people.And yeah,they've got another problem which myself is not clear.So,whatever.And we went to giant;eating pizza hut.I dress so beautifully and thought that we will go like to OU or what.But,haaishh.Whatever,whatever.And i go back and automaticly grab my guitar.BUT,my guitar string has broke.The 6th string indeed.And i was like OMG!I will be killed by wafi when he got back.And i ask my father if he will fix it;and he said that i have to buy another string and repair it.So,i ask my father when i will repair it.And thus,he said the end of the week cuz he got work.So then i will not play guitar until it have fixed.Ahh~i miss you so much my 'boyfriend'.Gomenasai.
And yeah,after that i watch kyle xy.Woaaahh~~.He is soo handsome.Better that Zac Efron.Heh!
I realiz that his face look a little bit of Lee Yong Lok.Gahaha!I mean i little tiny that is all.Not so much i think.
Unexpected that someone outside my country is sending friend request to me.Why is all who send me friend request are emo?I dont really sure aout.AM I EMO?I guess just once but not anymore.Maybe because i write poem in my about me,i think.Whatever,he seems kind.
[p/s];Well,i'm impress by her voice and she i from malaysia.I wish i have that kind of voice.
Later then,Adios amigos.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
So today i woke up,i realize that my parents were kinda busy calling other people.And yeah,they've got another problem which myself is not clear.So,whatever.And we went to giant;eating pizza hut.I dress so beautifully and thought that we will go like to OU or what.But,haaishh.Whatever,whatever.And i go back and automaticly grab my guitar.BUT,my guitar string has broke.The 6th string indeed.And i was like OMG!I will be killed by wafi when he got back.And i ask my father if he will fix it;and he said that i have to buy another string and repair it.So,i ask my father when i will repair it.And thus,he said the end of the week cuz he got work.So then i will not play guitar until it have fixed.Ahh~i miss you so much my 'boyfriend'.Gomenasai.
And yeah,after that i watch kyle xy.Woaaahh~~.He is soo handsome.Better that Zac Efron.Heh!
I realiz that his face look a little bit of Lee Yong Lok.Gahaha!I mean i little tiny that is all.Not so much i think.
Unexpected that someone outside my country is sending friend request to me.Why is all who send me friend request are emo?I dont really sure aout.AM I EMO?I guess just once but not anymore.Maybe because i write poem in my about me,i think.Whatever,he seems kind.
[p/s];Well,i'm impress by her voice and she i from malaysia.I wish i have that kind of voice.
Later then,Adios amigos.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Guitar is my boyfriend.
Today i sleep at 8.30 am and woke up at 2.30[i cant sleep at night,dont know why].And then,i go shah alam with my family.We stroll around and i've found such a cute jacket that usually YUI will wear that kind of clothe.But its a bit hot so i decided to buy on Jaya Jusco,then.And i return home at like 7.30.And oh yeah!i almost forgot,when i'm at the shopping complex,i stop at this music shop and i've buy guitar picker.One in red coulour and another one is in purple colour.And its cost 3 ringgit altogether.Cheap!.And while i'm at the music shop,i just hook up for the guitar.And i check the price,acoustic guitar only cost until 1 thousand?!!ohh gosh,thats expensiver than electric one.The electric one is 50o.Thats is actually cheap,becuse my cousin buy at 1 thousand.The most cheaper acoustic guitar is 200++.I guess first-hand guitar is expensive,i think.Mine is frist hand,but i buy;i mean my brother buy it at Indonesia.So it's cheaper like 80 ringgit only.
So yeah,after i return,i pray maghrib and then practice some new song[somewhere only we know-keane],and then here i am.I'm working on barre chords right now.I've once watch some video about barre chords.It will have a lot of patience to conquer that techic.So,yeah.I like shinee now.Especially the youngest one,Taemin.He is soo damn cute.^^.And that's all for now.But,wait.Actually Dalilah called me today.I was soo excited to hear that voice.I miss that voice so much.She seem happy with her boarding school life.I'm glad.And we talked about anime.And she will come at the reunion.Yeaay!.And we planned to stop at Animetech there.Yatta!cant wait.But,eventually aini didnt come.Her parents wouldnt allowed her.Her parent is so strict,poor her.Ok,i will stop know i think.Jane~.
[no video of the day today;gomen. sorry cause repeating the 'And' word too much .I know ts annoyed,but i cant help it,its my habit =_=]
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
So yeah,after i return,i pray maghrib and then practice some new song[somewhere only we know-keane],and then here i am.I'm working on barre chords right now.I've once watch some video about barre chords.It will have a lot of patience to conquer that techic.So,yeah.I like shinee now.Especially the youngest one,Taemin.He is soo damn cute.^^.And that's all for now.But,wait.Actually Dalilah called me today.I was soo excited to hear that voice.I miss that voice so much.She seem happy with her boarding school life.I'm glad.And we talked about anime.And she will come at the reunion.Yeaay!.And we planned to stop at Animetech there.Yatta!cant wait.But,eventually aini didnt come.Her parents wouldnt allowed her.Her parent is so strict,poor her.Ok,i will stop know i think.Jane~.
[no video of the day today;gomen. sorry cause repeating the 'And' word too much .I know ts annoyed,but i cant help it,its my habit =_=]
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Bam bam di dam dam dam di dam dam --__--

Konnchiwa.Today was normal.I sleep at 7 and wake up at 4.Yeah as usual,i do the same thing everyday.I watched bleach and its awesome like been said by people[especially boys].Dalilah came back today,i miss her so much.Right now,i'm watching yui's video.Nothing to do.Maybe later i will go watch some anime dvd that i havent watch yet.The video "Wrong number-TVXQ" is awesome.Yeay aida!i love yunho!He is always macho.And guess what,Jun matsumoto has a new hairstyle.Kakkoi desu ne!>>>>>>>
Cool huh?Yup.He looks thinner.I mean he always so thin but he looks soooo oh my god.I'm getting excited for some reason.KYAAH!
Aishiteru my kareshi !^^
Anyway,i didnt know that Fatin[my friend that lived in japan] likes arashi.Yeay!.Finally i've got a friend that can talk about japanese.And she knows yui too,of course she know jpop,cuz she use lived in jpan,ryte.And akma says YUI is good at singing.And she likes life song.I didnt expect that.Owh well,finally my friend knows the coolness of jpop.^^
Ili says that the reunion will be held at Sunday[23/11] at KFC Sunway Pyrramid.Ahh~.I'm broke.Luckly,its free cuz we used money class.I've got just 35 ringgit in my purse.Mattaku!=_=
Last but not least,Video of the day.
Jeng,jeng,jeng[What a lame sound effect -.-]
p/s;cool huh?this is actually a commercial for some kind of show,i think.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Today i wake up at 7 and watched chobits and sleep again and woke up at 2.30.Yat got 3a's in UPSR.He got B in English and Science.Udin got 2a's.Yat is a little bit moody today.But not so bad like me .Haha.I remember that i dont ever go out besides my room because too stress for 2 days.Anyway,who cares.After that,i go toSP to register yat and i go to giant and buy Bleach episodes 1-15.It cost 13 ringgit.There's a long way to go until the end of the episodes[total of episodes 100++].I'm totally broke.No money to go out.But my classmate has planned to go OU next wednesday.I wish i was a daughter of a rich parent.How many times do i say these word,i wonder.I ask mama for extra supply,and she lecture me then.She says she got a lot problem to think.And i asked her about the Yamaha Music.And she says its a waste of time.She dont even know how i wish to enter the school.And she promised me once.Why i cant just live my dream?She totally dont understand me.I guess Aida's parents is nicer.And i can feel that this holiday will be boring!
video of the day.
YUI-Goodbye to you
ps:I dont understand i single words she says.But still,sugoi!
video of the day.
YUI-Goodbye to you
ps:I dont understand i single words she says.But still,sugoi!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Party class.What a day!
Ok,where should we begin with?I will go through the whole day.
Firstly i tumpang aidil and we stop at school.And we walk from school toMukhzani's house.I'm the girl in tge green and black with the guitar.
And when we arrive we get some water because we're too exhausted walking.The boys arrive first after that we ate pizza's.And after that,we go to change clothes to swim and also pray zohor.
We ate some barbeque because it's still raining .The boys play in the rain with ice and water balloon.They drag the girls to play together and i'm including.Geez.Ng Cheng Yik push me to the rain and i'm soaking wet.And after that we began to swim.Amirah almost drown because she goes to deep place.gosh.And mukhzani who saved her.Akma also almost drowned but it's not so serious like amirah.i cant swim so i am scared to go to deep place.Aini also came but she left early.i like her clothes!We swim for quite long period of time.We swim from 3pm to 6pm.After that,we changed clothes and we didnt have times to play because we're so wet and the place is wet because of us too.I couldnt help it but qa'da.And after that we ate some cake and sang happy birthday to 1J.Mukhzani's sister was nice and always help us.And after that,i'm performed.I was veryy nervous because many people surround me like i'm an alien or whatsortever and i played umbrella and they start to sang together.And the boys acting 'bajet' to gave me a syiling like i'm a street musician.And they also acting bajet like caught in a mosh.Haha.Aho baka.This boy who wants to compete me ther day is quiet skillfull,i was like surrender.Who cares anyway,i promise to myself that i will be a pro-guitarist someday.And after that we just hanging around until aidil's sister came.And after i'm arrived i was like soo deadly tired and slept from 8 to 3 am.I think i dont hold hates anymore to them.And i am very enjoy today.
Aini said that Dalilah came back from her boarding school on Friday.I wanna go to see her.I miss her so much.Aini planned to go to Giant to eat sushi with her.
Here's the picture from the scene.It's not complete.I couldnt take many pictures because i've running out of batteries.So,i grab some photos from Laila and Akma.Credits to Laila and Akma.Thanks you guys.

Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Firstly i tumpang aidil and we stop at school.And we walk from school toMukhzani's house.I'm the girl in tge green and black with the guitar.
And when we arrive we get some water because we're too exhausted walking.The boys arrive first after that we ate pizza's.And after that,we go to change clothes to swim and also pray zohor.
We ate some barbeque because it's still raining .The boys play in the rain with ice and water balloon.They drag the girls to play together and i'm including.Geez.Ng Cheng Yik push me to the rain and i'm soaking wet.And after that we began to swim.Amirah almost drown because she goes to deep place.gosh.And mukhzani who saved her.Akma also almost drowned but it's not so serious like amirah.i cant swim so i am scared to go to deep place.Aini also came but she left early.i like her clothes!We swim for quite long period of time.We swim from 3pm to 6pm.After that,we changed clothes and we didnt have times to play because we're so wet and the place is wet because of us too.I couldnt help it but qa'da.And after that we ate some cake and sang happy birthday to 1J.Mukhzani's sister was nice and always help us.And after that,i'm performed.I was veryy nervous because many people surround me like i'm an alien or whatsortever and i played umbrella and they start to sang together.And the boys acting 'bajet' to gave me a syiling like i'm a street musician.And they also acting bajet like caught in a mosh.Haha.Aho baka.This boy who wants to compete me ther day is quiet skillfull,i was like surrender.Who cares anyway,i promise to myself that i will be a pro-guitarist someday.And after that we just hanging around until aidil's sister came.And after i'm arrived i was like soo deadly tired and slept from 8 to 3 am.I think i dont hold hates anymore to them.And i am very enjoy today.
Aini said that Dalilah came back from her boarding school on Friday.I wanna go to see her.I miss her so much.Aini planned to go to Giant to eat sushi with her.
Here's the picture from the scene.It's not complete.I couldnt take many pictures because i've running out of batteries.So,i grab some photos from Laila and Akma.Credits to Laila and Akma.Thanks you guys.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Last day of school.
Moshi-moshi.Today was hell bored for me.At first,i thought Aidil didnt came,and as usual aini of course didnt came.So i'm not hoping her to came.And good thing is aidil came,and i began to cheer.Because my only friend that in the school is aini and aidil.So i expected for them to always accompany me.And i got SBPT book.Guess what?I've got Lee Yong lok's book.His book was a messed, i guessed he didnt seriously study.haha.because i've in the back of the line so i've got a old book.So after that i go to recess and goofing around at 2a's until pn Nalini came.And then we discussed about the novel Phantom of The Opera.It's an interesting story but it didnt have poems.I'm looking forward to the poems,but owh well.
And after that,i'm goofing around at the class.My stomach growling because of my hungryness and i was so dizzy that i want to vomit.With the noisy;crowded class.oh gooshh.And that's where the meor and the gang hanging at my place;because akma near at my sit.And they started to talk perverted things.And this chinese boy named Yong sit besides me where the meor and the gang hanging.He was sooo handsome.I have told aidil once,and she said that to Yong.It was just compliment.And of course when someone attracts me i will blush.So,i didnt look at his face.Just a little.Ahhh!!Aidil!why did you do that?.I wonder what he's thinking of me.And he has a girlfriend.Poor me.And according to aidil;he cannot talk chinese AT ALL.And he friending with malay rather than chinese.Odd,eh?But he still have chinese looking;that's ok for me.
Akma and Sara make up and they start friending.Whoaa,i'm glad.It was rather odd because akma and sara?!But it's a good things of course.And when recess i hang out with akma and aidil.And i straight forwardly ask her about the word "From friends to a stranger";
And she apologoze to me.And i say if she want to put the words;just at least credit me.So,i was like ok after that.And sara greet me also.So, it's ok.Everything settle.
Owh yeah;i've got number 15 at class.Aini got 17 and Aidil got 23.And we are in 2J next year ,yeay!And i'm really looking forward for tomorrow class party.I wanna have fun!
And after that,i'm goofing around at the class.My stomach growling because of my hungryness and i was so dizzy that i want to vomit.With the noisy;crowded class.oh gooshh.And that's where the meor and the gang hanging at my place;because akma near at my sit.And they started to talk perverted things.And this chinese boy named Yong sit besides me where the meor and the gang hanging.He was sooo handsome.I have told aidil once,and she said that to Yong.It was just compliment.And of course when someone attracts me i will blush.So,i didnt look at his face.Just a little.Ahhh!!Aidil!why did you do that?.I wonder what he's thinking of me.And he has a girlfriend.Poor me.And according to aidil;he cannot talk chinese AT ALL.And he friending with malay rather than chinese.Odd,eh?But he still have chinese looking;that's ok for me.
Akma and Sara make up and they start friending.Whoaa,i'm glad.It was rather odd because akma and sara?!But it's a good things of course.And when recess i hang out with akma and aidil.And i straight forwardly ask her about the word "From friends to a stranger";
And she apologoze to me.And i say if she want to put the words;just at least credit me.So,i was like ok after that.And sara greet me also.So, it's ok.Everything settle.
Owh yeah;i've got number 15 at class.Aini got 17 and Aidil got 23.And we are in 2J next year ,yeay!And i'm really looking forward for tomorrow class party.I wanna have fun!
arashi and tackey at disneyland;old video.^^.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Aida,becoming thirteen.Omedeto!
Firstly i want to wish aida,
Today i woke up at 11.30 because pn azimah called me.And i was shocked and quickly get up.I thought that have discipline prob or what.But actually,pn azimah called me just to ask izyuandi's phone number.So i msg aizat and he gave me.and then,i sms pn azimah.Eventhough,i'm not in the anugerah cemerlang.but who cares.It's and old story.
Yesterday,i wish aida at 12 am.And i was the third.The first one is jaejoong ,the secondth is her sister,anis.and the third is me.Yeay!i'm the third because there is 32 who wished her.She's lucky,because me;there's not enough 20 who wish me.Even,my old friends dont wish me.My parents dont wish me.Owh well.
Today i go out with her at he park.I brought my guitar along;because it's a nice surrounding.The breezy air and while playing guitar under the bg trees.Just perfect to make a sweet memories.Gahh!i'm being sentimental again.But ,theres 'rempit' who close-minded plus brainless and dont forget the super idiotic;stared me weirdly because i rought my guitar along.I just what i felt i want.Is that wrong;stuuuupid.Even,kaktin says that it's alright.Yeay,kaktin being nice for the first time.Duhh -.-.Anyway,aida.I hope you have a nice birthday and banzai!you've got a mirotic version B,isnt it? :D
And me,I was being copycated.That Akma stole my word.I'm very frustrated.Ish she lack of idea or what?!And i dont support sara nor akma.i'm on my own.Duuuhhh~~
I've told her at 1i,and i have said the "From friends to a stranger".And she says "wow,smart nye ayat tu".I thought it was a compliment.So,i dont mind.And what now?She put the word;My precious word on her new acc!!!What the fuck is that?I think i want to say something to her.Who cares about her feeling.Shit!I thought she was kind and i started to like her.But she mae me mad.
Brainless,uncreative COPYCATER.
I dont want to think about that anymore,past a few days.I watched Tackey and Yamapi when they was young.OMG!He was sooooo cuuuteee,yamapi ws cute tooo and he makes me scream "kyaa~!!".Just like on those shoujo manga.Haha.And this is the video.
p/s:Tackey is tring to make yamapi sneeze.LOL.They're so cute arent they?
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Today i woke up at 11.30 because pn azimah called me.And i was shocked and quickly get up.I thought that have discipline prob or what.But actually,pn azimah called me just to ask izyuandi's phone number.So i msg aizat and he gave me.and then,i sms pn azimah.Eventhough,i'm not in the anugerah cemerlang.but who cares.It's and old story.
Yesterday,i wish aida at 12 am.And i was the third.The first one is jaejoong ,the secondth is her sister,anis.and the third is me.Yeay!i'm the third because there is 32 who wished her.She's lucky,because me;there's not enough 20 who wish me.Even,my old friends dont wish me.My parents dont wish me.Owh well.
Today i go out with her at he park.I brought my guitar along;because it's a nice surrounding.The breezy air and while playing guitar under the bg trees.Just perfect to make a sweet memories.Gahh!i'm being sentimental again.But ,theres 'rempit' who close-minded plus brainless and dont forget the super idiotic;stared me weirdly because i rought my guitar along.I just what i felt i want.Is that wrong;stuuuupid.Even,kaktin says that it's alright.Yeay,kaktin being nice for the first time.Duhh -.-.Anyway,aida.I hope you have a nice birthday and banzai!you've got a mirotic version B,isnt it? :D
And me,I was being copycated.That Akma stole my word.I'm very frustrated.Ish she lack of idea or what?!And i dont support sara nor akma.i'm on my own.Duuuhhh~~
I've told her at 1i,and i have said the "From friends to a stranger".And she says "wow,smart nye ayat tu".I thought it was a compliment.So,i dont mind.And what now?She put the word;My precious word on her new acc!!!What the fuck is that?I think i want to say something to her.Who cares about her feeling.Shit!I thought she was kind and i started to like her.But she mae me mad.
Brainless,uncreative COPYCATER.
I dont want to think about that anymore,past a few days.I watched Tackey and Yamapi when they was young.OMG!He was sooooo cuuuteee,yamapi ws cute tooo and he makes me scream "kyaa~!!".Just like on those shoujo manga.Haha.And this is the video.
p/s:Tackey is tring to make yamapi sneeze.LOL.They're so cute arent they?
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I woke up,as usual at 3 pm.And bathing ,pray,eat while watch tv.And Aida called and we talked a bit.And after that i rode bicycle for a while and followed mama to mydin and then to che an's house to celebrate muaz's birthday.But sadly,according to che an's,muaz's firnd only 3 cames.Haha.My mom buys him spider-man'swatch.And firstly,he says "tu je?".Ungrateful child!and then he starts to like it.Oh yeah,one more thing,I bought some manga calledAnti-Chocolate and not bad actually.And hope i can beat that 'otaku-posers' .Bleehh.
Kaktin's mad at me because i lost her scissors.I've always lost it.I dont know.It some kinds of curse i think.Actually no.Me being careless.Whatever.
And I started to like Hideaki Takizawa!!He is soo cuute.But his song i dont like it really much.But i like his acting.Currently following Boku Dake No Madonna.I hate the girl.She's not so pretty.Jealous?.Maybe.OMG!he forget lyrics.Ohh gossh,so cute.That panick face of his.LOL.

Ahhh~~~.I'm meltinggg o.o
And yeah,i also like Teppei Koike.

Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Kaktin's mad at me because i lost her scissors.I've always lost it.I dont know.It some kinds of curse i think.Actually no.Me being careless.Whatever.
And I started to like Hideaki Takizawa!!He is soo cuute.But his song i dont like it really much.But i like his acting.Currently following Boku Dake No Madonna.I hate the girl.She's not so pretty.Jealous?.Maybe.OMG!he forget lyrics.Ohh gossh,so cute.That panick face of his.LOL.

Ahhh~~~.I'm meltinggg o.o
And yeah,i also like Teppei Koike.

Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Friday, November 7, 2008
A normal day again.
Today didnt have school.So,i woke up t 3.00.After that as usual i take bath,pray and eat.And watch tv.When it turns 5,i ride bicycle to get fresh air,and go to aini's house to give results paper.And i strolling2 around and buy some drinks in convenience store and stop at the park.I was really have some long period of spacing-out.
Realise that the fact that aida's birthday is 3 days more.I was like "i'm so aho baka".Why i didnt remember after all i was always remember it.Gahh!!I promise her to sing Happy birthday to you you with my guitar.But i hadnt learn et.And i planned that i want to give her tvxq things.But look what it turns like.Baka!baka! baka!.I must buy at least a present for her.Goosshh.Aida gave me a comment about some avatar like that.I was confuse,am i having trouble?Weird.Somehow, it is a nice avatar.
At nights,i dont do much things.Joining my family watching "Anugerah bla bla bla".Dont remember.And together with my family,we critics them.haha.And from 1am until now,here i am.Sitting in front of laptop in the dark[because kaktin's sleep].Holiday are going to start,i guess it will be soo boring .The class party will be next wednesday,and someone in 1i boys,short one.Wants to compete guitar with me.He is there too because he pays.And i was WTH.I'm not pro yet of course.Abah says the real guitarist use barre chord.I didnt use,i just use the simple one.I'm afraid that i'm not a real guitarist and in fact i already play guitar like 7 months .Haiishh.But i a bit know the barre chords.sooo,i just have to put effort.And about the guy,do what he like.i dont care anymore.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Realise that the fact that aida's birthday is 3 days more.I was like "i'm so aho baka".Why i didnt remember after all i was always remember it.Gahh!!I promise her to sing Happy birthday to you you with my guitar.But i hadnt learn et.And i planned that i want to give her tvxq things.But look what it turns like.Baka!baka! baka!.I must buy at least a present for her.Goosshh.Aida gave me a comment about some avatar like that.I was confuse,am i having trouble?Weird.Somehow, it is a nice avatar.
At nights,i dont do much things.Joining my family watching "Anugerah bla bla bla".Dont remember.And together with my family,we critics them.haha.And from 1am until now,here i am.Sitting in front of laptop in the dark[because kaktin's sleep].Holiday are going to start,i guess it will be soo boring .The class party will be next wednesday,and someone in 1i boys,short one.Wants to compete guitar with me.He is there too because he pays.And i was WTH.I'm not pro yet of course.Abah says the real guitarist use barre chord.I didnt use,i just use the simple one.I'm afraid that i'm not a real guitarist and in fact i already play guitar like 7 months .Haiishh.But i a bit know the barre chords.sooo,i just have to put effort.And about the guy,do what he like.i dont care anymore.
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
What happen to kids these days?
I go to school today.I woke up and knowing its already 12 pm and gosh i'm mad rush that time.Because bus will be picking me at 12.20 like that.My hair isnt dry yet,but owh well just pkai je tudung ryte.Aini didnt came.This is so weird,when i came she absent,when i absent she came.Twisted lol.I've got 61 on math and 58 on science.I didnt get A but owh well,at least i'm not failed or getting D.Today,i learn Avril's song eventhough i dont like her now ;that called Fall to pieces.And another classic Guns and Roses-Knocking on heavens door,the usual song is kinda classic rock.But it turn very beutiful when i played in acoustic.And the chords is quite;consist of major chords.So it doesnt have problems with me.
And something shocked happen.I unproposely knowing that Amirah is into negative thing.I cant tell in this blog.But i'm so shocked.And i counselor her for a long period time.She join rempit.And yeah she get into negative things.I don't really know tht am i going to friending with her or not.First,i thought she 's a total bitch.But at that kind of parents and home surrounding,it will unproposely dragging her in this situation.She says she do that kind of thing because she is stress.And her mom is a factory worker[i'm not insulting her].But i'm just doing the right thing that is to console her.And up to herself that if she wants to keep on or not.I think she is just confuse with herself.She didnt even know why she did it.[it's not about dirty thingy].But,i really hate that she really doing that kind of stuff.That will ashamed of her family,even of herself.Besides,this is her fault why she choose to destroying herself instead of helping herself?I really dont knw what the human nature.Eventhough i'm a human too,lol.Well,everybody isnt perfect.This is my first time had a friend that has over-socialling problems.In primary school,its just some kind parents fight and divorces[Dalilah's problem]
Anime freak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
And something shocked happen.I unproposely knowing that Amirah is into negative thing.I cant tell in this blog.But i'm so shocked.And i counselor her for a long period time.She join rempit.And yeah she get into negative things.I don't really know tht am i going to friending with her or not.First,i thought she 's a total bitch.But at that kind of parents and home surrounding,it will unproposely dragging her in this situation.She says she do that kind of thing because she is stress.And her mom is a factory worker[i'm not insulting her].But i'm just doing the right thing that is to console her.And up to herself that if she wants to keep on or not.I think she is just confuse with herself.She didnt even know why she did it.[it's not about dirty thingy].But,i really hate that she really doing that kind of stuff.That will ashamed of her family,even of herself.Besides,this is her fault why she choose to destroying herself instead of helping herself?I really dont knw what the human nature.Eventhough i'm a human too,lol.Well,everybody isnt perfect.This is my first time had a friend that has over-socialling problems.In primary school,its just some kind parents fight and divorces[Dalilah's problem]
Anime freak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I didnt go to school today.And i woke up at 3.oo pm.I was in front of laptop the whole day until now.I tried to play Life but it's hard.I must used barre chords and the F# thing.huuu~.I must put a lot effort.Mama says she heard from her students that music class is around 90 ringgit.And she says she consider about it.I hope she will allowed me as i put a high hopes on it.I called Aidil for today's school condition.And she says PJK and Sejarah i've got around 70+.I was really relieved.And i dont expect that sejarah i will got 70 something.Because i'm weak at remembering thing.And thank godlaa.As for Math i dont know but today teacher gave the paper.But aidil didnt hold it fo me.And Aini she failed at Sejarah.I feel sorry for her.I hope i'm in the same class with her next year.Without her or aidil i will be so lonely as i dont have much friends at school.And about before several hour from now,i viewed sara's blog.And she says a little about Aida.But not me.I guess we're not friends anymore.From friends to a stranger.Weird huh,this world nowadays?I dont care anymore.The memories is just foolish for me.Fake and unreal.Just wasting my own time,huh?
And i really hate high school from my observation in this year.It makes me miserable.I dont know.Maybe because of the people.I remember my past year,Sk kids wanting so bad to enter high school.But looks wht its turn?A total loneliness for me.Goshh.
And yeah,about the majlis 1j.I dont know if i really have to bring my guitar along or not.And all i can sing is japanese song.Like they know all that sort of song.And yuck,i dont really likes Amirah.I mean just look at her.She's hunger from attention.She wanna wear skirt with that kind of body.Oh my.Wake uplaa,please.If you wanna known well at least you must have some talent.
I hate people more than i like them.
Anime freak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
And i really hate high school from my observation in this year.It makes me miserable.I dont know.Maybe because of the people.I remember my past year,Sk kids wanting so bad to enter high school.But looks wht its turn?A total loneliness for me.Goshh.
And yeah,about the majlis 1j.I dont know if i really have to bring my guitar along or not.And all i can sing is japanese song.Like they know all that sort of song.And yuck,i dont really likes Amirah.I mean just look at her.She's hunger from attention.She wanna wear skirt with that kind of body.Oh my.Wake uplaa,please.If you wanna known well at least you must have some talent.
I hate people more than i like them.
Anime freak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What a day i've been through.

Yesterday,i watch hana yori dango as i've watch the whole seigi no mikata.And the story is sugooii!![seigi no mikata].And the ending is my lovely kanata hongo and yoko didnt get together because riku[kanata hongo]left tokyo,but they confess each other.Ahh~!!i wish i could have that kind of relationship pure and naive.And hana kimi,the story is good.Lot of bishonens.Aiyoo~~.I will faintlaa.
Today,is not so boring,and not so fun for me.My class didnt study at all except for the Bm,we discussed.i've got 68.Kh is 53 and Bi is 68.oh my~.But thank god that there are few people that get A.
After recess,i've had a long talk with aidil and akma.To me,akma is so kind eventhough i think she;s kinda gedik .But why sara always kutuk2 her?Plus,i dont really like sara now.She's an otaku-posers!!I think,because she wants to be anime obsesser because all the famous seniors are otaku.geez.and when i ask her about the anime thing,she didnt know what i'm saying.herggh.Seriously.And she show off to aidil that pn azimah call her.Do you realise taht your not the one that got 5a?and you tego aidil just when something proud's you,arent you?
You're really changes when it comes to high school.And plus,you friending with the gedik+ bitchy girls.KIRAAII!!
When i talk with aidil and akma,they were so pro with the schools situatuation and gossips.And me,i was likesit and just hear what they are saying.And sometimes,i just say "who the heck is him?","who is she?".And sometimes i was like "uh huh","then?".Seriously,i'm not good at that kind of thing.Besides,i just loovvee to see peoples mengumpat.haha!.And i didnt thought that today's high schooleer and plus islamic student is actually kissing and making "those" kid of things.And the're only fourteen and up.{based on akma's}.I was like so shock.I mean,SERIOUSLY??!!i thought japan and us only do that.Haishh .Kids these days.I dont even have experiences to having a boyfriend in my entire life.and they could've just go to another chapter?gosh.
And majlis kelas 1j is on 12.11.And first,i was just kidding that i will bring my guitar.and i dont expected that the are serious.And they ask me to bring.i have ask mama,and mama allowed as long as i'm in mukh's house.so it will be ok.And i thought i want to bring it.But i'm afraid if someone called me over or just trying to show off.but aida says its ok,and who cares about the idiot one who tought me that way.so,i just think about it.and search a suitable song.ganbatte!!
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
Today,is not so boring,and not so fun for me.My class didnt study at all except for the Bm,we discussed.i've got 68.Kh is 53 and Bi is 68.oh my~.But thank god that there are few people that get A.
After recess,i've had a long talk with aidil and akma.To me,akma is so kind eventhough i think she;s kinda gedik .But why sara always kutuk2 her?Plus,i dont really like sara now.She's an otaku-posers!!I think,because she wants to be anime obsesser because all the famous seniors are otaku.geez.and when i ask her about the anime thing,she didnt know what i'm saying.herggh.Seriously.And she show off to aidil that pn azimah call her.Do you realise taht your not the one that got 5a?and you tego aidil just when something proud's you,arent you?
You're really changes when it comes to high school.And plus,you friending with the gedik+ bitchy girls.KIRAAII!!
When i talk with aidil and akma,they were so pro with the schools situatuation and gossips.And me,i was likesit and just hear what they are saying.And sometimes,i just say "who the heck is him?","who is she?".And sometimes i was like "uh huh","then?".Seriously,i'm not good at that kind of thing.Besides,i just loovvee to see peoples mengumpat.haha!.And i didnt thought that today's high schooleer and plus islamic student is actually kissing and making "those" kid of things.And the're only fourteen and up.{based on akma's}.I was like so shock.I mean,SERIOUSLY??!!i thought japan and us only do that.Haishh .Kids these days.I dont even have experiences to having a boyfriend in my entire life.and they could've just go to another chapter?gosh.
And majlis kelas 1j is on 12.11.And first,i was just kidding that i will bring my guitar.and i dont expected that the are serious.And they ask me to bring.i have ask mama,and mama allowed as long as i'm in mukh's house.so it will be ok.And i thought i want to bring it.But i'm afraid if someone called me over or just trying to show off.but aida says its ok,and who cares about the idiot one who tought me that way.so,i just think about it.and search a suitable song.ganbatte!!
Animefreak :3,
Icha Yoshioka.
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