Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I sink further like the depth of the sea,
and there you are floating

Friday, April 4, 2014

Qhilav that makes us in doubt, when we're so full of ourselves when the knowledge is as wide as the ocean and we only claim to know a drop of it, that's where we're mistaken.
And that's why even how victorious Khulafa Ar Rasyidin was, they can fall down like gravity just because from the pinch of arrogance and proud.

It's like a circle,really. When you point your finger, and a shield that protected your pride, reflects back to the opposition, but the opposition has the same equipment. Conclusion is endless, and our self defense was nothing but a time bomb that even destructs us.

Who am I really? To bark and scream to the thin air, for my own fate? Still stuck on the same path when you can just find the lights. Blaming sadness is like spitting to the air, pointless and frustrating.

Smile, even how shitty things are